Truffle takes the protection and privacy of your personal information seriously and are committed to complying with applicable data protection legislation.

We want to be as clear as we can about the personal information we will collect and how we use it.

Firstly what is considered personal information?

Personal data is any information that can reasonably identify a person, either by itself or together with other information. This broad definition includes not only traditional personal data e.g. dates of birth, names, home addresses, email addresses but also location data, biometric data and more.

If you are a truffle Client or Supplier:

We retain the contact details of people we work with, for business purposes, as a legitimate interest. To support long term business interests, we will retain that information until deemed out of date or we receive a request to delete it.

We will collect the following personal data when you work with us:

  • Your full name

  • Your email address

  • Telephone Number

  • Job Title

  • Business Address 

  • Banking Information (to bill/pay as appropriate)

truffle will store your personal data until you tell us otherwise so that we can continue to work with you. 

You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing

If you’re a participant taking part in market research:

Please note if you signed up for a research project through a 3rd party and are taking part in research for Truffle FIELD, the party you have signed up with will remain the Data Controller for their processes and will provide further details through their Privacy Notices.

If you are a truffle CONNECT member or considering signing up, please refer to the following privacy policy (add link)

To confirm Truffle field will process your personal data received from the 3rdparty who recruited you for the sole purpose of you attending market research, the following  personal information will be collected and used by truffle. It will also be shared with the commissioning clients of the research you have consented to taking part in:

  • Your email address

  • Your Full name

  • Your mobile number

  • Your age

  • The gender you identify as

  • Your working status and if in employment your occupation

  • The occupation of the chief income earner in your household (if applicable) 

  • Your life stage i.e. if you have children or not

  • Your living status i.e. if co-habiting, living alone

We may also collect the following to enable us to fulfil our role with accepting you to take part in market research opportunities:

  • Due to the nature of some market research projects we may need to process ‘sensitive’ personal data about you. By this we mean personal data such as your racial or ethnic origin, religious beliefs or beliefs of a similar nature, trade union membership or sexual life. 

  • Other personal data that we require to fulfil the quotas for some market research projects e.g. further information on your lifestyle and products and services that you use etc

  • We may collect personal information about children (those aged under 16 years) where it is relevant for a market research project, but only with the consent of their parent or legal guardian

  • The time, date, location and topic of any market research you carry out.

  • BAC details where applicable in order to process incentive payments to you.

All information gathered from you is related to your wish to participate in paid market research. 

truffle will store your personal data on a secure database for a period of 6 months following attendance of any market research sessions for us, this is solely in order to monitor past attendance for quality control purposes.

Truffle will process your personal data for the following purposes:

  • Contacting you via text message/phone or email to pre-check eligibility for market research studies.

  • Contacting you via text message/phone or email to back check if any queries arise following the research you have taken part, this is a further quality control check.

  • We may contact you throughout the exercise to check on progress.

  • To provide technical support  (e.g. for online studies) when you ask us for it.

  • Supplying you with your incentive for participating (e.g. processing BACS payments).

  • For assessing project feasibility.

  • To allow a moderator/interviewer to contact you to conduct an interview you have agreed to participate in. This would only be with your specific consent as part of your agreement to participate.

  • Our client may contact you after the research or other activity has taken place, to follow up on ideas generated during the discussion, but will not contact you for any other purpose unless otherwise agreed with you.

  • Your name and contact details will be shared with facilities/ venues where research is taking place in order for them to contact you to check attendance and help with directions etc if you have difficulties locating the venue.

Although we’re based in the UK we recruit participants on behalf of clients around the world. If you take part in market research for a client who is not located within the EU your recruiter will ask your consent before any personal data is transferred.

You can unsubscribe at any time by emailing


Clients, supplier and participants Rights:

We would like to highlight the various rights you have when it comes to processing of your data;

  • You have the right to be informed about the collection and use of your personal data. We do this through this privacy policy. 

  • You have the right to access your data. You can request details of the personal data we have about you by submitting an access request.

For any data protection queries, to unsubscribe, access, amend or delete your personal information, please contact us at your request.

More information on your data protection rights can be found on the ICO website

For the purpose of the Data Protection Act 1998 (the Act) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), the data controller is truffle field. Our ICO registration number is ZA194770

Trufflefield will intermittently revise this policy to improve the way we work, and to ensure we are continuously complying with any GDPR regulations. Any changes we make to our privacy notice in the future will be posted on this page.

By working with truffle field, you agree you’ve read and understood our privacy policy as outlined above.